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Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Care

How often do I need to see the dentist?


Under normal circumstances, patients should visit the dentist twice a year for a professional cleaning and examination. Mosaic's staff can clean the hard-to-reach places that sometimes elude toothbrushes. Only a professional cleaning can remove calculus, hardened plaque and debris that accumulates on teeth over time. Timely visits will also help ensure that any problems are caught in the early stage and complex procedures can be avoided.


How often should I brush my teeth?


Ideally, the teeth should be cleaned after every meal, to remove food particles from teeth and gums. Furthermore, beverages such as sodas and sports drinks leave an acidic residue on teeth that eats away at enamel, your tooth's hard, protective coating, so it is best to clean your teeth after consuming these products as well. But keep in mind, brushing too hard can damage teeth and gums.


Is flossing important?


Flossing plays a major role in oral health, since it helps remove food and plaque from between the teeth and gums, where a toothbrush typically can not reach. By keeping these areas free from bacteria and food particles, you will keep your gums healthy and firm to help avoid diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which can lead to loosening and the eventual loss of teeth.


I use mouthwash, do I still have to brush and floss?


While mouthwash can improve oral health, it is not a substitute for brushing and flossing. In order to properly clean teeth, physical contact from a toothbrush and floss is required.


Should I be worried about visiting the dentist? I hear it can be a painful experience.


Modern dentistry has made great strides in improving patient comfort during all of our procedures. Although it is typical to experience some nervousness before a major procedure, even tooth extractions are eased by the use of the latest anesthetic methods. Left alone, a dental ailment will assuredly cause more pain than the proper treatment.


Are X-Rays required?


If necessary, your dentist may request to have an x-ray taken to help determine the nature or extent of a dental disease or condition. The dentist can then provide an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment, in a more efficient manner than without an x-ray.

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